Vechta_LK (0.0 km)
Vechta_LK (0.0 km)
Diepholz_LK (33.2 km)
Diepholz_LK (33.2 km)
Osnabrück_LK (33.3 km)
Osnabrück_LK (33.3 km)
Cloppenburg_LK (35.2 km)
Cloppenburg_LK (35.2 km)
Oldenburg_LK (38.2 km)
Oldenburg_LK (38.2 km)
Osnabrück_KS (44.2 km)
Osnabrück_KS (44.2 km)
Minden-Lübbecke_KR (49.0 km)
Minden-Lübbecke_KR (49.0 km)

All plots are regenerated with new data every night. Beware this temporary hotspot is an experimental page - it might get removed, so please do not link to it. Instead link to project